Last But Not Least

May 19, 2024    Drew Galloway

In "Last but Not Least," Pastor Drew Galloway tackles the common fears and worries about the last days. Many people view these times with dread, focusing on the challenges and darkness that may come. But Pastor Galloway brings a hopeful and uplifting message: the last days will be the greatest days for the Church.

Pastor Galloway shows how God's grace will overcome the rise of sin and darkness. He will explain how, despite growing challenges, the Church will experience a powerful move of the Holy Spirit, leading to amazing revival, unity, and strength.

This sermon will offer a new perspective, encouraging believers to look forward with hope and excitement. It will highlight the promise that God’s grace and power are more than enough to handle any adversity, ensuring that the Church will shine brightly even in the darkest times. Join us for this inspiring message that reassures us of the Church's victorious future in the last days.