Grow Up: Week 1 - Grown Up Goals

Jan 3, 2024    Akil Thompson

In the bustling flow of life, it's easy to lose sight of our core purpose and spiritual direction. "Grow Up: Embracing a Christ-Centered Life" is a transformative 4-week sermon series designed to guide you in reorienting your life towards what truly matters – putting Jesus first in everything.

2024 presents a golden opportunity for a fresh start, a moment to recalibrate and focus on the Kingdom of God. By seeking His Kingdom first, we find that all other aspects of our lives align more harmonically with His will. "Grow Up" is more than a sermon series; it's a spiritual journey, encouraging and equipping you to prioritize your faith and grow deeper in your relationship with Christ.

Each week, we dive into crucial aspects of a Christ-centered life, exploring themes such as faith in action, spiritual maturity, the power of prayer, and living out the Gospel in everyday life. This series is a call to move beyond the surface, to grow up in our faith, and to embrace a life that truly reflects a life committed to Jesus.

Join us every Wednesday in January at 7:30 PM for this brand-new series. Whether at home or on the go, you can connect with us via our YouTube channel, website, app, or Facebook. Each week, we'll dive into powerful teachings and practical insights that will challenge and inspire you to place Jesus at the center of your life.