Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Extraordinary Church missions exist to connect us with others as we partner together to build the Kingdom of God. Join us and help make a difference as we share in what God is doing locally, nationally, and around the world.
Local Missions
Our first responsibility is right here in the Greater Toronto Area. Through Local Missions, we support and grow Extraordinary Church and partner with local ministries and other organizations to reach the people of our region.
Our first responsibility is right here in the Greater Toronto Area. Through Local Missions, we support and grow Extraordinary Church and partner with local ministries and other organizations to reach the people of our region.
National Missions
Another area of focus is our country. National Missions allow us to help launch churches nationwide as well as assist established churches in growing and reaching more people with the life-giving message of Jesus.
Another area of focus is our country. National Missions allow us to help launch churches nationwide as well as assist established churches in growing and reaching more people with the life-giving message of Jesus.
International Missions
We believe every person deserves the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus. Through International Missions we help plant new churches worldwide and partner with strategic partners in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe every person deserves the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus. Through International Missions we help plant new churches worldwide and partner with strategic partners in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Strategic local Partners
At EC, showing up to help ordinary people experience extraordinary life in Jesus Christ is a BIG deal. It’s at the heart of what we do! Our strategic local partners enable us to make a difference in our community. By serving alongside them, we can share the love of Jesus through meaningful relationships and demonstrate His love in practical, tangible ways.

Strategic missionary Partners
Around EC, showing up to help ordinary people experience extraordinary life in Jesus Christ is a BIG deal. It is our purpose! Our strategic partners help us engage parts of the world. By serving with them, we get to share the love of Jesus through relationships and demonstrate the love of Jesus in tangible ways.

New Beginnings Family & Adoption Services
Tupelo, MS
Help us bring safety, permanency, and happiness to children with New Beginnings. At New Beginnings our mission is “Promoting life and new beginnings for children, birth mothers and families through parenting education and adoption. You can learn more about NB here.

Justin & Madelyn Michael
Dallas, TX
Justin and Madelyn pastor the Apostolic Church (a young church plant) in Dallas, TX. You can learn more about AC here.

Steve & Cheri Smith
Steve and Cheri Smith were pastoring in Flora, Illinois when they answered the call of God to serve in Guyana, South America. They arrived in Guyana on the Associates In Missions program in January 2001, was fully appointed in 2002 and have been faithfully serving in Guyana ever since.

Jacob & Mandy Palma
Jacob and Mandy were appointed in 2012 and work as church planting missionaries in Uruguay, South America. Locally, they are heavily involved in discipleship, home Bible studies, and relief work which includes providing food and clothing to people in need.

Ken & Isabella Cooper
Ken and Isabel Cooper, originally from Florida, served as Children’s Ministry Directors for 12 years. The Coopers served in Brazil under the AIM program for four years before their appointment to Intermediate Missionaries. During this time, over 4000 (mostly children) have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Coopers have begun the first permanent Bible school in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.
Allan & Carla Calhoun
The Netherlands
The Calhouns both graduated from Northeast Christian College in 1990, were married the same year and launched their ministry of assisting, pastoring, building a church in Toronto, Ontario, and now overseas missionary work. The next season was full of radical changes that prepared them to be global missionaries to Europe.
Since 2015 the Calhoun’s have been in the Netherlands are have launched a Leadership Training Process and focus on empowering leaders to reach the many urban centers in the Netherlands.
Since 2015 the Calhoun’s have been in the Netherlands are have launched a Leadership Training Process and focus on empowering leaders to reach the many urban centers in the Netherlands.

Allan & Georgene Shalm
Southeast Asia
Allan and George Shalm, originally from Canada have travelled throughout Asia and the Pacific regions teaching, evangelizing, and promoting revival. Their efforts have seen more than 3000 churches planted for the Kingdom of God.

Dan & Hailey MacLeod
Terre Haute, Indiana
After graduating, Dan and Hailey moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia to help plant One Church. We served as the Associate Pastor there for the next decade. This rewarding pastoral and experience helped prepare us for God’s next assignment. In December 2019, we transitioned out of Halifax to serve a two year term in Eastern Europe and now base in Terre Haute, Indiana, evangelizing and serving as Administrator for both The Issachar Project and Into His Marvelous Light.